Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The End of an Era...

Dr. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov
Welcome back, everyone. In this week’s post I will finally write about the conversation I’d been having with my suitemates about Descartes. It took a fairly long time for me to update everyone on what exactly has been happening concerning my suitemate’s (apparent) hatred for one of the most significant figures in philosophy. But, before I dwell into this account, I must sadly pronounce the end of “The Daily Philosophy…” Blog. I will no longer continue to post about the slightly ridiculous debates I have with my suitemates – partly because, to be honest, I can no longer pay attention to the words that come out of their mouths; they’re too…trivial. Ah! But don’t be saddened, old chap; I’m sure you’ll find another feeding place on the web that will serve you good mouthfuls of silly, highbrow stories.

Anyhow, a few weeks ago I ended my “Descartes” post by relating that he was a hippie. Indeed, this is not all my suite had to say. Apparently, my friend sees Descartes as an “old fool”; he remained our topic of conversation for a few nights. The Elder came to the conclusion that Descartes’ argument for what was knowledge and true (e.g. that he existed not as a physical being, but as a mind) was circular. Descartes deduced that what he perceived, and consequently “knew”, had to be true since God would not allow him to be deceived; God is infinitely good and would not allow any harm to come to anyone. Descartes did not have a valid, deductive argument for the existence of God, instead, he posited that God exists because he exists, period. My suitemate asserted Descartes would fit in nicely with today’s religious extremists; “perhaps he’d be the pastor of a mega-church”, he said. In the end, my old pal shred to pieces Descartes’ book on Epistemology.

The air seems to be filled with woe and misery as I type the final words of the post that will finalize this blog (perhaps, a sorrowful air comparable to the wretchedness of this past hollow’s eve). It’s been a grand time everyone, I hope the blog was enjoyable!

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Dr. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov by dbking is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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